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Alice Smith Students Celebrate Examination Success

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Alice Smith students are celebrating another exceptional set of examination results with 66% of all (I)GCSE grades at A* or A (grades 9-7) and 52% of all A level grades at A* or A. 

At (I)GCSE almost a third of all students achieved straight A*- A (grades 9-7) and 24 A level students achieved straight A* and A’s.

Two thirds of Alice Smith’s (I)GCSE science students were awarded the top grade, A*(9/8), with students in Biology acheving 69% A*(9/8), Chemistry 66% A*(9/8) and Physics 66% A*(9/8). In History the A*(9/8) rate was 72% and our Art students achieved an impressive 71% A* (9/8) in Digital Photography and 62% in Art.

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Our (I)GCSE students are now beginning their A level courses and hope to emulate our graduating class of 2019 who are now confirming places at the world’s top universities. Over 80% of Alice Smith students wanting to study in the UK have already accepted offers at UK Top 30 universities including prestigious Russell Group institutions, such as the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and LSE. In the US, students have secured places at top US colleges including Yale University and Brown University, both members of the elite Ivy League.

These results are even more remarkable when you consider that Alice Smith is not a highly selective school, unlike many other UK independent and international schools. 

alice smith graduate roll

Dr Sarah Howling, Secondary Principal, said “Our students achieve consistently high academic results, however, absolute academic attainment does not show the personal progress and achievement each individual student has made. This is far better reflected by our Value Added score which this year is 0.66 for our A level students and 1.65 for our (I)GCSE students. This means that through our supportive and innovative learning environment and excellent teaching we have added, on average, over half a grade to all A level students and a grade and a half to our (I)GCSE students.” 

“Congratulations to all our students on their results this year – we are so proud of you.”

Do you want your child to achieve similar success? 

Alice Smith is now accepting applications for entry in 2020. Book your place at their next Open Morning on 27th September to find out more. Click here to register or email [email protected]. 

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