
NFTapir’s PHYGITAL Movement Bridges Physical and Meta

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If you thought the metaverse was open to just digital artists, think again! Malaysian-born online NFT marketplace, NFTapir ( is here to simplify the digitising of all mediums into non-fungible tokens.

“There is a renaissance in the art scene where artists who are ready to embrace digitisation and showcase their art works online are earning more than they ever have,” said co-founder Zang Tan.

By adopting a simplified approach to curate a quick and easy entry process into the booming crypto interaction, NFTapir offers Malaysia’s art community a gateway into a marketplace beyond what local circles can offer. And with the ‘PHYGITAL’ framework, this NFT platform becomes the first in Malaysia to provide physical art support into becoming listed as an NFT.

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“We are excited to empower local artists on their journey into the metaverse and our goal is to decomplex the NFT journey thus allowing both artists and collectors to trade art with minimal prerequisite knowledge of blockchain technology. This further creates new opportunities for artists to continue to display their art digitally regardless of movement restrictions that have kept artists and collectors from physically trading at galleries throughout the pandemic,” Zang Tan added.

Apart from the ‘PHYGITAL’ traditional-to-NFT conversion aid, the NFTapir platform also prides in being unique to the NFT art community for several other reasons.

  • Only curated artists will be able to mint their work, and enjoy a true-gas-free* experience, instead of “lazy minting” accounts.
  • NFTapir will sponsor an artist showcasing their work to enjoy a gas-free access.
  • Artists will have more control and authority over own NFTs, ensuring proper registry of work and therefore protecting value and record of ownership of art piece.
  • Stablecoin tokens utilized for better preservation of art value in light of market votality.

With a little introduction to NFT jargon, here is some help with the terminology!

*gas – the computing effort that goes into creating and selling the NFT. Like gas for a physical car, the actions required to perform the transaction needs resources to function. A gas fee would be the total amount that goes into an NFT transaction.

**stablecoin – a cryptocurrency tied to another commodity. Unlike the Bitcoin (BTC), which tends to suffer from a volatile exchange rate and therefore making it less than suitable for routine purchasing systems, stablecoin maintains collateral via algorithmic formulas used in supply control.

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The NFTapir platform is developed on a Polygon Blockchain, curated from the feedback gathered from the Malaysian art community. Already putting both artists and collectors first, market volatility can thus be better monitored by those involved, and providing a near-zero gas fee experience simultaneously.

“Through NFTapir, artists can mint a digital copy of their pieces on the site, and buyers can purchase its NFT. It also celebrating the vision of PHYGITAL, which enables contemporary artists, in particular, to enjoy the benefits and utilities of NFTs, tapping into widened market access as well as better preservation of value and record of ownership. Artists who mint NFT artworks with PHYGITAL can fulfil delivery of the accompanying physical artwork at the collector’s request.” –

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